securing classified government & defence research
Enable secure collaboration of classified research between Universities, Government, Defence and Industry with Kojensi.
Use Case:
secure Collaboration of sensitive and classified research for government & defence
Universities conducting research in collaboration with government agencies, industry and Defence are at risk from foreign and domestic threat actors who target sensitive and classified research. Universities need an accessible and secure environment to collaborate easily and effectively, in order to ensure on-time delivery and high level research outcomes.
Kojensi allows universities and partners sharing classified research to:
Ensure only those who are authorised can view and handle sensitive and classified information
Collaborate real-time on the same document, without having to send multiple versions through email
Work with multiple people outside of the organisation, all with different compliance requirements
Ensure compliance with mandated security controls
Share large files easily and quickly, in a secure environment
A group of universities are working with a Defence Systems Integrator (SI) on a new research project, involving the development of new classified research papers and reporting. The information they need to share and work on is classified up to and including ‘PROTECTED’, however the current platforms they are using are not designed to manage and share information classified at this level. Existing file sharing systems enable them to send unclassified, but not sensitive information, and do not have the capability to granularly control access. Further, downloading and uploading information, loss of versions, and numerous calls and emails slow their collaboration, leading to significant delays.
By implementing Kojensi, a secure government accredited PROTECTED information sharing cloud service, the Defence SI can set up shared workspaces with the universities and invite all authorised researchers to share and collaborate on the information required to conduct research and deliver papers in a timely manner. Those shared workspaces can contain both sensitive and non-sensitive information, and the researchers will only have access to the information they are entitled to access based on their organisation, clearance and nationality.

Securely share and co-author classified research files between Universities and partners
Classified research information stays within a secure government-accredited PROTECTED cloud service. Users can edit and co-author, with multiple contributors, on the research directly within each workspace ensuring the security, integrity and availability of the content. Users can upload and share multiple files at once or large files, and notify relevant parties that the information is now ready and available to access.
Empower users to share sensitive or classified research simply and easily
Unlike other information sharing platforms, the Kojensi Information Sharing cloud service gives the power of sharing to the owner of the information.
Information owners are empowered to set the terms and conditions on how and to whom information is shared, by attributes including organisation, classification and nationality, ensuring only the right people have access to the right information at the right time.
Users can then create a Community of Interest in seconds and invite new partners to join within minutes, knowing new users will only have access to the files that they are entitled to.

Comment on, discuss and track changes
Files can be commented on, discussions can be had within the workspace, and with Kojensi’s integrated Content and Records Management platform, all file changes are fully version controlled and tracked.
Explore Kojensi
Kojensi enables secure collaboration of sensitive and classified research information to ensure only authorised parties’ access and manage classified material. Universities can work together on research in real-time, despite their geographic location. A full audit trail and version control and tracking ensures all parties work on the most up-to-date document, with all previous versions saved and easily accessible at any time. Universities control how and to whom the information is shared, while being able to work productively for improved research outcomes.

Kojensi enables universities to collaborate securely with government and defence research partners on sensitive and classified Research
Available in a public or private cloud or on-premise